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Democrats can't win by the rules so they want to change the rules!

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The way that this new age Socialist Democrat Party is acting today, is like a bunch of spoiled school children having tantrums because they don't get their way.

They want so badly to push their authoritarian Liberal agendas on all of America, but the voters and our Constitution keeps getting in their way.

So what do they do?

They threaten to change our elections laws. They want to get rid of electoral votes deciding elections. They can't win by the rules so they want to change the rules! They want the popular vote deciding elections. With the popular vote, every election can be decided by a few big cities such as New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, etc. etc.
They have utter disdain for the working men and women all over this nation.

They lose elections because of their authoritarian radical Progressive agendas, and never move towards the center to win elections. They have no respect or tolerance for differing opinions and beliefs. No, they say that the voters should not decide who our Supreme court Justices are when choosing a President.
These spoiled authoritarians want to pack the courts against the will of the poeple, because they can't win by the rules of our Constitution.

They truly are do hate our Constitution, it gets in their way. This is why they appoint activist Justices who ignore that pesky Constitution. This is why they applaud those taking a knee to the flag.

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